The Council on Long Range Planning and Development of the American Medical Association has identified trends in the environment of medicine and the implications of these trends for specific medical specialties. This report considers the evolution of family practice as a specialty and its role in the future of health care delivery. As a specialty established less than 20 years ago, family practice has successfully surmounted several obstacles to achieve recognition within the medical community and among the public. However, the Council has identified new challenges and opportunities facing this specialty. In particular, the areas of graduate medical education, reimbursement, professional liability, and several health-related societal and ethical issues will pose challenges for and place constraints on family physicians. Family practice will encounter a number of opportunities in the evolving environment of medicine, due in part to demographic trends in the population and the growth in managed care. The Council concludes that, despite the challenges, the increasing demand for the services of family physicians has positive implications for the future of this specialty. (JAMA1988;260:1272-1279)

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