Proposed definition of ‘poor mobilizer’ in lymphoma and multiple myeloma: an analytic hierarchy process by ad hoc working group Gruppo ItalianoTrapianto di Midollo Osseo

Many lymphoma and myeloma patients fail to undergo ASCT owing to poor mobilization. Identification of poor mobilizers (PMs) would provide a tool for early intervention with new mobilization agents. The Gruppo italianoTrapianto di Midollo Osseo working group proposed a definition of PMs applicable to clinical trials and clinical practice. The analytic hierarchy process, a method for group decision making, was used in setting prioritized criteria. Lymphoma or myeloma patients were defined as ‘proven PM’ when: (1) after adequate mobilization (G-CSF 10 μg/kg if used alone or 5 μg/kg after chemotherapy) circulating CD34+ cell peak is 6 CD34+ cells per kg in 3 apheresis. Patients were defined as predicted PMs if: (1) they failed a previous collection attempt (not otherwise specified); (2) they previously received extensive radiotherapy or full courses of therapy affecting SC mobilization; and (3) they met two of the following criteria: advanced disease (2 lines of chemotherapy), refractory disease, extensive BM involvement or cellularity <30% at the time of mobilization; age 65 years. This definition of proven and predicted PMs should be validated in clinical trials and common clinical practice.

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