Changes in crystal structure of ettringite on dehydration. 2

Investigations of the ettringite dehydration (3CaO.Al2O3.3CaSO4.n H2O) carried out by adsorption, X-ray, crystal optical and electron microscopy methods are discussed in connection with crystal structure proposed by A.E. Moore and H.F.W. Taylor (1968,1970). It is shown that on withdrawal of water: a) from the additional apices of trigonal prisms (n=30−18) the structure of the crystals is maintained; b) from the main apices (n=18−6) - crystals become roentgenoamorphous, but their sign of elongation alters and ends are destructed; c) from the main apices (n=6−0) - longitudinal and transverse ruptures appear and the crystals disintegrate. Peзyльтaты иccлeдoвaния дeгидpaтaции эттpингитa (3CaO. AI2O3.3CaSO4.nH2O) c пoмoщью aдcopбциoннoгo, peнтгeнoбcкoгo, кpиcтaллoптичecкoгo и элeктpoннo-микpocкoпичecкoгo мeтoдoв paccмoтpeны в cвяэи c кpиcтaлличecкoй cтpyктypoй, пpeдлoжeннoй A.E.Myp и X.Ф.B. Teйлopoм (1968, 1970 г.г.). Пoкaэaнo, чтo пpи yдaлeнии вoды: a) иэ дoпoлнитeльныx вepшин тpигoнaльныx пpиэм (n = 30−18) cтpyктypa кpиcтaллoв coxpaняeтcя; б) иэ ocнoвныx вepшин (n = 18−6) кpиcтaллы cтaнoвятcя peнтгeнoaмopфными, y ниx иэмeняeтcя энaк yдлинeния и paэpyшaютcя кoнцы; в)иэ ocнoвныx вepшин (n = 6−0) - пoявляютcя пoпepeчныe и иpoдoльныe paэpывы и pacпaд кpиcтaллoв.

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