Simultaneous Deposition of Metallic Bundles of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Ac-dielectrophoresis

A simple and scalable scheme based on alternating current (ac-) dielectrophoresis is used for the simultaneous and site-selective deposition of single bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) onto a large number of contacts requiring only one bond wire. This allows for a large number of transport measurements that show that the deposited bundles contain at least one metallic SWNT dominating the transport. With high-voltage pulses, metallic bundles are transformed into Schottky-barrier-type field-effect transistors with p-type, ambipolar, or n-type behavior. From a simple electromechanical model, we derive the fact that ac-dielectrophoresis selectively deposits bundles containing metallic tubes.