Simulations of the Monthly Mean Atmosphere for February 1976 with the GISS Model

Three monthly mean simulations of the global atmosphere were computed for February 1976 with the GISS model from observed initial conditions on the first day of the month. In a replication experiment, two of these computations generated slightly different monthly mean states, apparently due to the schedule of interruptions on the computer. The root-mean-square errors of replication over the Northern Hemisphere were found to be about 2 mb, 20 m and 1 K for sea level pressure, 500 mb height and 850 mb temperature, respectively. The monthly mean 500 mb forecast results for February 1976 over the Northern Hemisphere are consistent with those from earlier GISS model experiments and again indicate some predictive skill at that level. Use of the observed monthly mean sea surface temperature (SST) field for February 1976 in place of the climatological SST field for February resulted in slightly improved simulations over the globe and Northern Hemisphere, but not over smaller subregions.