Gardner's Syndrome

THE TRIAD of soft-tissue tumors, osteomas, and multiple colonic polyposis, often referred to as Gardner's syndrome, was first recognized as a predictable inherited group of traits by Eldon J. Gardner in 1950. Although several cases having this triad of physical characteristics had been described earlier,1-3 it was Gardner who first postulated a mendelian dominant mode of transmission for all three manifestations as a result of a single defective gene (Gardner, 1950-19534-6). Because the external manifestations of soft-tissue and bony tumors tend to occur prior to the onset of symptoms and prior to the development of the complications of multiple polyposis, an excellent opportunity is afforded the physician for early diagnosis of a premalignant or malignant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract. To date there have been 75 cases of Gardner's syndrome reported in the literature. This paper analyzes these cases and reports a new family of seven individuals. Review