Measurement of ice-sheet topography using satellite-radar interferometry

Detailed digital elevation models (DEMs) do not exist for much of the Greenland and Antartic ice sheets. Radar altimetry is at present the primary, in many cases the only, source of topographic data over the ice sheets, but the horizontal resolution of such data is coarse. Satellite-radar interferometry uses the phase difference between pairs of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images to measure both ice-sheet topography and surface displacement. We have applied this technique using ERS-1 SAR data to make detailed (i.e. 80 m horizontal resolution) maps of surface topography in a 100 km by 300 km strip in West Greenland, extending northward from just above Jakobshavns Isbræ. Comparison with а 76 km long line of airborne laser-altimeter data shows that We have achieved a relative accuracy of 2.5 m along the profile. These observations provide a detailed view of dynamically Supported topography near the margin of an ice sheet. In the final section We compare our estimate of topography with phase contours due to motion, and confirm our earlier analysis concerning vertical ice-sheet motion and complexity in ERS-1 SAR interferograms.