Erosion of Phalanges by Subungual Warts

THE FACT that benign masses, by pressing on bone, are capable of causing bony resorption is well known. Glomangioma, the subungual tumors of the tuberous sclerosis complex, and giant-cell tumor of tendon sheath1have specifically been reported as eroding terminal phalanges of fingers. However, the erosion of the terminal phalanges of fingers by subungual warts has not been reported in the medical literature to the best of our knowledge, and an authority such as Brailsford2is unacquainted with any known case of phalangeal erosion produced by warts. It is, therefore, our desire to report the following case. Report of a Case A woman, aged 24 years, was first seen on Oct. 1, 1959, complaining of 2 somewhat tender lesions which had developed gradually during the preceding year. Prior therapy had consisted of one application of "acid" at another hospital 4 months previously. Her past history was irrelevant,