Crystallographic and Biochemical Analysis of Rotavirus NSP2 with Nucleotides Reveals a Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase-Like Activity

Rotavirus, the major pathogen of infantile gastroenteritis, carries a nonstructural protein, NSP2, essential for viroplasm formation and genome replication/packaging. In addition to RNA-binding and helix-destabilizing properties, NSP2 exhibits nucleoside triphosphatase activity. A conserved histidine (H225) functions as the catalytic residue for this enzymatic activity, and mutation of this residue abrogates genomic double-stranded RNA synthesis without affecting viroplasm formation. To understand the structural basis of the phosphatase activity of NSP2, we performed crystallographic analyses of native NSP2 and a functionally defective H225A mutant in the presence of nucleotides. These studies showed that nucleotides bind inside a cleft between the two domains of NSP2 in a region that exhibits structural similarity to ubiquitous cellular HIT ( hi stidine t riad) proteins. Only minor conformational alterations were observed in the cleft upon nucleotide binding and hydrolysis. This hydrolysis involved the formation of a stable phosphohistidine intermediate. These observations, reminiscent of cellular nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinases, prompted us to investigate whether NSP2 exhibits phosphoryl-transfer activity. Bioluminometric assay showed that NSP2 exhibits an NDP kinase-like activity that transfers the bound phosphate to NDPs. However, NSP2 is distinct from the highly conserved cellular NDP kinases in both its structure and catalytic mechanism, thus making NSP2 a potential target for antiviral drug design. With structural similarities to HIT proteins, which are not known to exhibit NDP kinase activity, NSP2 represents a unique example among structure-activity relationships. The newly observed phosphoryl-transfer activity of NSP2 may be utilized for homeostasis of nucleotide pools in viroplasms during genome replication.