Post-surgical assessment of excised tissue from patients with Buruli ulcer disease: progression of infection in macroscopically healthy tissue

The current standard of treatment of Buruli ulcer disease (BUD) is surgical excision of lesions. Excision size is determined macroscopically assuming the complete removal of all infected tissue. However, dissemination of infection beyond the excision margins into apparently healthy tissue, possibly associated with recurrences, cannot be excluded in this way. To assess the central to peripheral progression of Mycobacterium ulcerans infection and the mycobacterial infiltration of excision margins, excised tissue was examined for signs of infection. 20 BUD lesions were excised in general anaesthesia including all necrotic and subcutaneous adipose tissue down to the fascia and at an average of 40 mm into the macroscopically unaffected tissue beyond the border of the lesion. Tissue samples were subjected to PCR and histopathology. Although the bacillary load decreased from central to peripheral, M. ulcerans infection was detected throughout all examined tissue specimens including the peripheral segments as well as excision margins of all patients. During the post-operative hospitalization period (averaging 2 months) no local recurrences were observed. Available data suggest a correlation of surgical techniques with local recurrences. The results of this study indicate the unnoticed early progression of mycobacterial infection into macroscopically healthy tissue. Thus, the removal of all infected tissue cannot always be verified visually by the surgeon. Provided that long-term follow up of patients with positive excision margins will establish the clinical relevance of these findings, on-site laboratory assessment of excised tissue in combination with follow up may contribute to reduce recurrence rates.