Las redes de iguales y el fenómeno del acoso escolar: explorando el esquema dominio-sumisión

The bullying phenomenon is one of the problems that most affects students' coexistence in the classroom of a many school centres. Although there has been a great deal of research on this topic, and numerous studies have described its incidence and assessed its impact, the "bullying" construct still requires a more in-depth and explanatory analyses. The aim of the present paper is to advance our knowledge and understanding of bullying from an approach bared on cognitive-relational theory in which the units of analysis are subjects' individual characteristics and peer network. To support this theory, we report a sociometric study dealing with the relationships that are established between those involved in peer bullying, in addition to students' perceptions and attributions of those relationships. The data support the relevance of these factors on the control-submission schema which we consider to be the central factor in the bullying phenomena.