A Preliminary Report on Micronized AlloDerm Injection Laryngoplasty

Objectives To report the preliminary data of voice and quality-of-life improvement after micronized AlloDerm injection laryngoplasty in patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Study Design A prospective study was conducted in patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis who underwent injection laryngoplasty with micronized AlloDerm. Methods Preoperative and postoperative patient evaluation consisted of videostrobolaryngoscopy, computer voice analysis, airflow, and voice handicap index (VHI) assessment. All injections were conducted with the patient under general anesthesia using the Storz injector system and a 22-gauge spinal needle. Results Fourteen patients received injection with an average amount of 0.641 mL. Twelve patients were available for evaluation. Initial results at 4 weeks (n = 12) showed significant increase in habitual phonation time from 3.84 to 6.72 seconds (P <.01) and a decrease in airflow from 0.616 to 0.295 L/s (P <.01). The VHI rating improved from 62.8 to 37.5 (P <.01). Jitter and shimmer also improved significantly (P <.05). Stroboscopic findings showed complete closure of glottic gap in 10 patients with excellent return of mucosal wave on the injected side. The mucosal wave return after injection was rapid with little evidence of tissue reaction. Postoperative follow-up at 3 months (n = 8) demonstrated slight resorption of the material, but sustained excellent voice was noted in 87.5%. Minimal morbidity and tissue reaction were noted. Conclusions Micronized AlloDerm appears to be a safe new material that is suitable for injection laryngoplasty. Long-term results are pending.