Frequency of symptoms of mandibular dysfunction in young Swedish men

The occurrence of symptoms of dysfunction of the masticatory system was studied in 253 Swedish men from the region of Stockholm with an average age of 19 years. Besides inquiry by questionnaire regarding subjective symptoms a clinical functional examination of the masticatory apparatus was performed. Fourteen per cent were aware of clicking of the temporomandibular joint and 12% of other symptoms of dysfunction such as difficulties in opening the mouth wide, locking and pain on performance of various movements of the mandible. In the clinical investigation, symptoms of dysfunction were noted in 28% of those examined, mainly in the form of tenderness to palpation over the temporomandibular joints and of the masticatory musculature as well as difficult, painful and irregular movements of the mandible. Individuals with clinical symptoms of dysfunction of the masticatory system had a higher frequency of other joint and muscle symptoms, clicking of the temporomandibular joint and occlusal disturbances in the form of balancing side interferences, than those without clinical symptoms. Balancing sides interferences were the only occlusal disturbance that was significantly correlated with the symptoms of dysfunction (pain on movement and tenderness to palpation).