Unsuspected Fanconi's Anemia and Bone Marrow Transplantation in Cases of Acute Myelomonocytic Leukemia

To the Editor: Patients with Fanconi's anemia, a constitutional chromosomal-fragility syndrome in which hypoplastic anemia develops that is associated with diverse congenital abnormalities,1 have an abnormally high risk of malignant disease, especially acute myelomonocytic leukemia.2 The possibility of misdiagnosis in cases of Fanconi's anemia is considerable3; the hematologic features typical of the disorder may not develop in some cases until the third decade of life.4 Abnormally high levels of spontaneous chromosome breakage in cultured lymphocytes, bone marrow cells, or both are of great help in establishing the diagnosis.5 In very rare cases, acute myelomonocytic leukemia may be the first . . .