The Feasibility of a Nurse-Managed, Peer-Led Tobacco Cessation Intervention Among HIV-Positive Smokers

The purpose of this pilot study was to examine the effectiveness of an 8-week, nurse-managed, peer-led smoking cessation intervention among HIV-positive smokers. The intervention was based on the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Smoking Cessation Clinical Practice Guideline and was delivered by an ex-smoker who was HIV positive and had been trained by an advanced practice nurse to deliver cessation counseling. Eight male HIV-positive smokers were assigned to the intervention group and received (a) 21 mg nicotine patch therapy for 6 weeks, (b) weekly face-to-face or telephone counseling, and (c) skills training that included substitute strategies for dealing with not smoking. Those participants assigned to the control group received written self-help materials for smoking cessation. Abstinence rates at end of intervention and 8 months were compared between groups. At end of treatment, 62.5% of intervention group participants were biochemically confirmed as abstinent from smoking compared with 0% in the control group. Eight-month abstinence rates were 50% among the intervention group compared with 0% in the control group.