Early Treatment of Hemangiomas with Lasers

Hemangiomas can present a difficult problem in management. Much controversy exists over whether it is better to watch and wait for natural involution or to be more aggressive and attempt to prevent some of the potential negative sequelae. Different modalities have been employed in the treatment of hemangiomas, including systemic therapy – antiangiogenic drugs, i.e. systemic corticosteroids and α-interferon – and local therapy – surgical procedures, arterial embolization and cryotherapy. Overall, a very conservative approach to therapy has been recommended because of treatment risks, treatment inadequacy and lack of evidence showing superiority over natural involution. Recently laser treatment has been used in the therapeutic approach of hemangiomas. This review discusses the pros and contras of early laser treatment of hemangiomas. For superficial hemangiomas, the flashlamp pumped pulsed dye laser in particular has proven itself in numerous studies. In the treatment of hemangiomas with subcutaneous components, the Nd:YAG laser is the treatment of choice.