Importance of a novel GABAA receptor subunit for benzodiazepine pharmacology

NEUROTRANSMISSION effected by GABA (γ−aminobutyric acid) is predominantly mediated by a gated chloride channel intrinsic to the GABAA receptor. This heterooligomeric receptor1 exists in most inhibitory synapses in the vertebrate central nervous system (CNS) and can be regulated by clinically important compounds such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates2. The primary structures of GABAA receptor α− and β−subunits have been deduced from cloned complementary DNAs3,4. Co−expression of these subunits in heterologous systems generates receptors which display much of the pharmacology of their neural counterparts, including potentiation by barbiturates3−5. Conspicuously, however, they lack binding sites for, and consistent electrophysiological responses to, benzodiazepines4,5. We now report the isolation of a cloned cDNA encoding a new GABAA receptor subunit, termed γ2, which shares approximately 40% sequence identity with α−and β−subunits and whose messenger RNA is prominently localized in neuronal subpopulations throughout the CNS. Importantly, coexpression of the γ2 subunit with α1 and β1 subunits produces GABAA receptors displaying high−affinity binding for central benzodiazepine receptor ligand