We show the broadband spectral energy distribution of the extreme Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) 1H0707-495. This is the most convincing example of an extreme spin black hole as determined from both its iron K$\alpha$ line profile, extreme variability and the new reverberation lag techniques. We compare this with another NLS1, PG 1244+026, which has much less obvious signs of high spin. This has a small and not very broad iron line, no deep variability dips, and longer reverberation lags. We show that these two very different objects have similar H$\beta$ line width and optical luminosity, hence have similar masses and mass accretion rates. The only remaining free parameters which can determine their very different X-ray spectra and variability are black hole spin, and inclination angle. We show that the optical/UV emission from the outer disc strongly implies that both these objects are highly super-Eddington (assuming that the H$\beta$ FWHM mass is reliable), and lose substantial energy via advection and/or a wind. The accretion flow cannot then be a flat disc, and inclination angle with respect to its vertical structure (which may also be variable due to time dependent clumps in a wind) is the most likely origin for the different properties seen in simple and complex NLS1. This geometry is quite different to the clean view of a flat disc which is assumed for the spin measurements, so it is possible that even 1H0707-495 has low spin. If so, this re-opens the simplest and hence very attractive possibility that high black hole spin is a necessary and sufficient condition to trigger highly relativistic (bulk Lorentz factor $\sim$10) jets.