A homozygous 1–base pair deletion in the arrestin gene is a frequent cause of Oguchi disease in Japanese

Oguchi disease is a rare autosomal recessive form of congenital stationary night blindness with all other visual functions, including visual acuity, visual field, and colour vision being usually normal1–3. A typical clinical feature of the disorder is a golden or gray-white discolouration of the fundus which disappears in the dark-adapted state and reappears shortly after the onset of light (‘Mizuo phenomenon’; Fig. 1)4. The course of dark adaptation of rod photoreceptors is extremely retarded in Oguchi disease while that of cones appears to proceed normally. The locus for Oguchi disease was recently mapped between D2S172 and D2S345 on distal chromosome 2q by linkage analysis5. Interestingly, the gene for arrestin, an intrinsic rod photoreceptor protein implicated in the recovery phase of light transduction, also maps to this region of chromosome 2q (refs 6,7). Here we report that in five out of six unrelated Japanese patients with Oguchi disease, we have identified a homozygous deletion of nucleotide 1147 (1147delA) in codon 309 of the arrestin gene, predicting a shift in the reading frame and a premature termination of translation which may result in ‘functional null alleles’.