Comparison of haematological values in restricted‐andad libitum‐fed domestic fowls: White blood cells and thrombocytes

1. White blood cells and thrombocyte values were examined in normal domestic fowls of layer and broiler strains fed restricted or ad libitum diets. 2. Basophils were the only white blood cells to increase significantly in number after the period of food restriction. It is suggested that the increase may have been associated with stress. 3. There were more basophils in broilers than layers, in males than females and in younger than older birds. 4. In contrast, a decrease in the total number of white blood cells was seen in birds maintained on a restricted diet compared with those fed ad libitum. 5. Stress may also have been responsible for an increased thrombocyte count in the restricted birds as well as a slightly lowered eosino‐phil count. 6. Heterophil/lymphocyte ratios were not significantly altered by the restriction of food.