Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformation:Contralateral Steal Phenomena

Sixty-two patients with radiographically proven intracranial arteriovenous malformations underwent preoperative regional cerebral blood flow measurement with 133Xe single-photon emission computed tomography. Contralateral regions of hypoperfusion were detected in all cases. Steal severity was assessed according to the contralateral steal index [ISteal(c)]. ISteal(c) was greater than 0.7 (severe) in 22 (35%), 0.7-0.8 (intermediate) in 18 (29%), and greater than 0.8 (mild) in 22 (35%). ISteal(c) was more frequently severe or mild in females and more often intermediate in males (p less than 0.05). Hyperemic complications were encountered more frequently in patients with intermediate ISteal(c) (p = 0.086). An unfavorable outcome was associated with less severe contralateral steal (p = 0.12). A detailed clinical, radiographic, and hemodynamic profile may help to preoperatively identify patients at high risk for a poor surgical outcome.