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How does one diagnose and treat insomnia in adults? Summary of meta-analyses of chronic insomnia treatments. Insomnia is a common clinical condition characterized by difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, accompanied by symptoms such as irritability or fatigue during wakefulness. The prevalence of insomnia disorder is approximately 10-20%, with approximately 50% having a chronic course. Insomnia is a risk factor for impaired function, the development of other medical and mental disorders, and increased health care costs. The etiology and pathophysiology of insomnia involve genetic, environmental, behavioral, and physiological factors culminating in hyperarousal. Efficacious treatments for insomnia include behavioral, cognitive, and pharmacologic interventions. Simple behavioral interventions are feasible in primary care settings, but lack of training in these techniques limits their use. Among pharmacologic interventions, the most evidence exists for benzodiazepine receptor agonist drugs, although persistent concerns focus on their safety relative to modest efficacy. Behavioral treatments should be used whenever possible, and medications should be limited to the lowest necessary dose and shortest necessary duration.