Knee Laxity in Symptomatic Osteoarthritis

Twenty-two patients with primary osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee were studied to determine the effects of OA on laxity of the knee joint. Laxity was measured with a Genucom Knee Analysis System. Ten knees had mild OA (>50% preservation of joint space). Fifteen knees had moderate OA (some preservation of joint space, but 40%). Eighteen knees had severe OA (no joint space). A group of 18 knees from 9 healthy (asymptomatic) subjects of ages similar to those of the OA patients were used as controls. Compared to control knees, severe OA knees had less total anteroposterior (AP) translation (12.2 versus 6.6 mm, p < 0.025) and less total tibial rotation (79 versus 59°, p < 0.01). Compared to early OA knees, knees with severe OA had 57% less average total AP translation (15.2 versus 6.6 mm, p < 0.01), 31% less total varudvalgus rotation (15° versus 10.4°, p < 0.016), and 26% less total internayexternal tibial rotation (80.1° versus 59°, p < 0.007). These data indicate that osteoarthritic knees tend to have less laxity than normal knees, probably because of a combination of contracture of the ligaments and pressure of osteophytes against ligaments and other capsular structures.