Intensive beef production 4. The effect on nitrogen retention of all-concentrate diets containing different levels of fish meal

SUMMARY: 1. All-concentrate diets given ad libitum and containing different levels of fish meal, and varying in crude protein content from 16 to 22% in dry matter were given to eight Friesian steers at 150 kg. and at 240 kg. live-weight.2. At a mean live-weight of 150 kg., the retention of nitrogen increased significantly to a maximum of 41.5 g. per day on the diet having 22% crude protein in dry matter. At 240 kg. live-weight, the maximum retention of 37 g. per day was achieved at 20% crude protein in dry matter.3. Faecal nitrogen excretion per unit of metabolic body weight was approximately constant at all protein levels and at both live-weights.4. Urinary nitrogen excretion per unit of metabolic body weight increased with increasing crude protein level in the diet and for any crude protein level was higher at 240 kg. than at 150 kg. live-weight.