Using a multidimensional approach to measure the impact of classroom-level factors upon student achievement: a study testing the validity of the dynamic model

The dynamic model does not only refer to different effectiveness factors and groupings of factors operating at different levels but also supports that each factor can be defined and measured using 5 dimensions: frequency, focus, stage, quality, and differentiation. The importance of taking each dimension into account is raised in this paper. Moreover, empirical support to the model and the use of this measurement framework is provided. Specifically, the paper refers to the methods and results of a study conducted in Cyprus which investigates the validity of the model at the classroom level by measuring teacher effectiveness in mathematics, language, and religious education. It is shown that the proposed measurement framework can be used to describe each classroom-level factor. The added value of using these 5 dimensions of the classroom-level factors to explain variation on student achievement is also identified. Finally, implications for the development of the dynamic model are drawn.