Sequential Activity of Simultaneously Recorded Neurons in the Superior Colliculus During Curved Saccades

The visual world presents multiple potential targets that can be brought to the fovea by saccadic eye movements. These targets produce activity at multiple sites on a movement map in the superior colliculus (SC), an area of the brain related to saccade generation. The saccade made must result from competition between the populations of neurons representing these many saccadic goals, and in the present experiments we used multiple moveable microelectrodes to follow this competition. We recorded simultaneously from two sites on the SC map where each site was related to a different saccade target. The two targets appeared in rapid sequence, and the monkey was rewarded for making a saccade toward the one appearing first. Our study concentrated on trials in which the monkey made strongly curved saccades that were directed first toward one target and then toward the other. These curved saccades activated both sites on the SC map as they veered from one target to the other. The major finding was that the strongly curved saccades were preceded by sequential activity in the two neurons as indicated by three observations: the firing rate for the neuron related to the first target reached its peak earlier than did the rate of the neuron for the second target; the timing of the peak activity of the two neurons was related to the beginning and end of the saccade curvature; a weighted vector-average model based on the activity of the two neurons predicted the timing of saccade curvature. Straight averaging saccades ended between the targets so that they did not go to either target, and they were accompanied by simultaneous rather than sequential activation of the two neurons. Thus when multiple populations of neurons are active on the SC movement map, the resulting saccade is determined by the relative timing of the activity in the populations as well as their magnitude. In contrast, SC activity at the two sites did not predict the final direction of the saccade, and several control experiments found insufficient activity at other sites on the SC map to account for that final direction. We conclude that the SC neuronal activity predicts the timing of the saccade curvature, but not the final direction of the trajectory. These observations are consistent with SC activity being critical in selecting the goal of the saccade, but not in determining the exact trajectory.