Proximal versus distal hyperplastic polyps of the colorectum: different lesions or a biological spectrum?

Background: Because of their suggested link with microsatellite instability high colorectal cancers, right sided hyperplastic polyps (HPs) may differ from their distally located counterparts. This is highlighted by the recognition of a variant HP, termed sessile serrated adenoma (SSA), which predominates in the proximal colon. HPs displaying the morphological features now associated with SSAs have been shown to have altered expression of “cancer associated” markers, but no studies have investigated whether this is dependent on anatomical location of the polyps. Aims: To evaluate morphological and functional features in right versus left sided HPs from patients without colorectal cancer with the aim of identifying distinguishing characteristics. Methods: HPs originating in the proximal and distal colorectum were histochemically and immunohistochemically stained to evaluate a panel of markers related to proliferation and differentiation. In addition, a series of morphological features was evaluated for each polyp. Results: Crypt serration, crypt dilatation, and horizontal crypt growth were more common among HPs from the right side, whereas histochemical factors including mucin changes, global methylation status, and expression of carcinoembryonic antigen were not significantly different. An age disparity was also seen between patients with right versus left sided lesions, with patients with right sided lesions being an average of more than 10 years younger than those with left sided lesions. Conclusions: These findings suggest that right and left sided HPs differ mainly in terms of growth regulation rather than cellular differentiation, implying that these lesions belong to a continuous spectrum of serrated polyps that differ quantitatively rather than qualitatively.