Classification of porcine enteroviruses by antigenic analysis and cytopathic effects in tissue culture: Description of 3 new serotypes

Porcine enteroviruses isolated in the United Kingdom between 1972 and 1976 were compared with the 8 serotypes previously described and with human coxsackie B virus types 1 to 6 for ability to grow in different cell lines. This allowed the classification of all strains into 3 broad groups according to type of cytopathic effect in IBRS-2 cells and further subdivision on the basis of production of cytopathic effect in BHK 21, HeLa and VERO cells. None of the porcine enterovirus strains was neutralized by antisera to human enteroviruses (Lim Benyesh-Melnick Pools) with the exception of swine vesicular disease virus, which was neutralised by coxsackie B5 antiserum. Antisera prepared either in gnotobiotic pigs or in guinea pigs against the 8 porcine enterovirus serotypes failed to neutralize 9 isolates which could be classified into 3 new serotypes, for which Nos. 9, 10 and 11 are proposed. Guinea pig sera could be used as an alternative to gnotobiotic pig sera for type differentiation.