Double-layer Color Effects in Porcelain Systems

The color of an unshaded body porcelain was determined at three thicknesses on white, gray, and three chromatic backings. Spectral absorption and scattering coefficients of the porcelain were determined from the diffuse reflectance at one thickness on the white and gray backings. These optical coefficients, when utilized with the Kubelka-Munk reflectance theory, accurately predicted the color of the other sample configurations studied. The scattering of the body porcelain was found to decrease with increasing wavelength within the visible spectrum, in accordance with scattering theory for particles not substantially less than the wavelength of the scattered light. For the filtering effects of a translucent material in optical contact with a backing, the Kubelka-Munk reflectance theory described the interaction between the optical absorption and scattering within the translucent material and the reflectance of the backing.

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