A New Type of Three-Dimensional Hybrid Polymeric Haloplumbate Based on Rare High-Nuclear Heterometallic Clusters

A series of new three-dimensional hybrid heterometallic haloplumbates [Pb8M(μ3-O)2X8(XH)(eg)3]n {H2eg = ethylene glycol; X = Cl, M = Co (1a), Ni (1b), Zn (1c); X = Br, M = Ni (2a), Zn (2b); X = I, M = Zn (3)} have been solvothermally synthesized and structurally characterized. Compounds 1a–c, 2a–b, and 3 consist of one-dimensional haloplumbate [Pb2X9] chains, and heptanuclear heterometallic [Pb6M(μ3-O)2(eg)3] clusters based on two [Pb33-O)(eg)1.5] cores share one M2+ ion, which are interconnected to generate three-dimensional heterometallic frameworks. Although a few heterometallic haloplumbates incorporating other metal complexes have been reported, they usually exhibit low-dimensional structures. The present heterometallic haloplumbates offer good examples of applying high-nuclear heterometallic [Pb6MO2(eg)3] clusters to construct a new type of high-dimensional hybrid heterometallic haloplumbate. Compounds 1a–b and 2a indicate unusual ferrimagnetic behavior. Their optical properties are investigated at room temperature, and density functional theory calculations of compounds 1c, 2b, and 3 are also studied.
Funding Information
  • Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (cstc2018jcyjAX0157, cstc2015jcyjBX0117)
  • Chongqing Normal University (13XLZ07, 14CSLJ02)
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (21671029, 21601038)
  • Chongqing Municipality (CSTCCXLJRC201707)
  • Chongqing Higher Education Institutions

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