β-Cell MicroRNAs: Small but Powerful

Noncoding RNA and especially microRNAs (miRs) have emerged as important regulators of key processes in cell biology, including development, differentiation, and survival. Currently, over 2,500 mature miRs have been reported in humans, and considering that each miR has multiple targets, the number of genes and pathways potentially affected is huge. Not surprisingly, many miRs have also been implicated in diabetes, and more recently, some have been discovered to play important roles in the pancreatic islet, including β-cell function, proliferation, and survival. The goal of this Perspective is to offer an overview of this rapidly evolving field and the miRs involved, reveal novel networks of β-cell miR signaling, and provide an outlook of the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Funding Information
  • National Institutes of Health (R01DK078752)