The Vertical Error Characteristics of GOES-Derived Winds: Description and Experiments with Numerical Weather Prediction

Errors in the height assignment of some satellite-derived winds exist because the satellites sense radiation emitted from a finite layer of the atmosphere rather than a specific level. Problems in data assimilation may arise because the motion of a measured layer is often represented by a single-level value. In this research, Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)–derived cloud and water-vapor motion winds are compared with collocated rawinsonde observations (raobs). The satellite winds are compared with the entire profile of the collocated raob data to determine the vertical error characteristics of the satellite winds. These results are then tested in numerical weather prediction. Comparisons with the entire profile of the collocated raobs indicate that clear-air water-vapor winds represent deeper layers than do either infrared or water-vapor cloud-tracked winds. In addition, it is found that if the vertical gradient of moisture is smooth and uniform from near the height assignment upward, the clear-air water-vapor wind tends to represent a deeper layer than if the moisture gradient contains a sharp peak. The information from the comparisons is then used in numerical model simulations of two separate events to test the results. In the first case, the use of the satellite data results in improved storm tracks during the initial ∼24-h forecast period. Mean statistics indicate that the use of satellite winds generally improves the simulation with time. The simulation results suggest that it is beneficial to spread the satellite wind information over multiple levels, particularly when the moisture profile is used to define the vertical influence.