Tumor necrosis factor α augments amyloid β protein (25–35) induced apoptosis in human cells

No information is yet available on the effect of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α ) on amyloid β protein (A β )-induced cytotoxicity in human cells. For this reason the induction of apoptosis by TNF α and A β (25–35) was studied in primary cultures of human thyroid and kidney cells as well as in the neuroblastoma line SK-N-SH and in DU-145 cells. Apoptosis occurred in all cell types after A β (25–35) treatment, but was markedly enhanced when TNF α was additionally present. This effect was less pronounced in transformed cell lines than in primary cultures, in which TNF α on its own was not cytotoxic. Apoptosis was still more prevalent under serum free culture conditions. The results demonstrate that TNF α may support the occurrence of A β -mediated cell death and thus contribute to the development of pathological changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD).

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