Predictors of Self-Reported Adherence in Persons Living with HIV Disease

This study examined the relationships between the five dimensions of the Wilson and Cleary model of health-related quality of life and three self-reported adherence measures in persons living with HIV using a descriptive survey design. Data collection occurred in seven cities across the United States, including university-based AIDS clinics, private practices, public and for-profit hospitals, residential and day-care facilities, community-based organizations, and home care. The three dependent adherence measures studied were "medication nonadherence," "follows provider advice," and "missed appointments." The sample included 420 persons living with HIV disease with a mean age of 39 years of which 20% were women and 51% were white; subjects had a mean CD4 count of 321 mm3. HIV-positive clients with higher symptom scores, particularly depression, were more likely to be nonadherent to medication, not to follow provider advice, and to miss appointments. Participants who reported having a meaningful life, feeling comfortable and well cared for, using their time wisely, and taking time for important things were both more adherent to their medications and more likely to follow provider's advice. No evidence was found demonstrating any relationship between adherence and age, gender, ethnicity, or history of injection drug use. These findings support the need to treat symptoms, particularly depression, and to understand clients' perceptions of their environment as strategies to enhance adherence. A limitation of this study was that adherence was measured only by self-report; however, the study did expand the concept of adherence in HIV care beyond medication adherence to include following instructions and keeping appointments.