Few important considerations for deriving interface complexity metric for component-based systems

Component-based software engineering (CBSE) represents an exciting and promising paradigm for software development. Software components are one of the key issues in CBSE. The software development community is continuously seeking new methods for improving software quality and enhancing development productivity. There is an increasing need for component-based metrics to help manage and foster quality in component-based software development. The traditional software product and process metrics are neither suitable nor sufficient in measuring the complexity of software components, which ultimately is necessary for quality and productivity improvement within organisations adopting CBSE. In this paper, we propose an interface complexity metric (ICM) aimed at measuring the complexity of a software component based on the interface characterisation model of a software component that mainly include such as interface signature, interface constraints, interface packaging and configurations. Based on the value of this metric, the complexity of the software component could be managed within reasonable complexity limits. In this way, the software components could be kept simple which in turn help in enhancing the quality and productivity.

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