Sesame oil protects against lipopolysaccharide-stimulated oxidative stress in rats

The aim of this study was to determine the effects and the defense mechanisms of sesame oil on lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress in rats. Laboratory in vivo study of the effect of sesame oil on lipid peroxide, superoxide anion, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione, and nitrite concentrations. To assess the effect of sesame oil on hepatic function, we determined serum aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin, and liver histology. University laboratory. Male SPF Wistar rats. Blood testing, administration of oils, and liver biopsies. Oxidative stress induced by lipopolysaccharide (5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) was assessed by determination of lipid peroxidation. Sesame oil was given orally immediately after lipopolysaccharide administration, and lipid peroxidation concentrations were determined. The reactive oxygen species superoxide anion was measured by chemiluminescence analyzer. The enzyme activities of superoxide dismutase and catalase and the concentrations of glutathione and nitrite also were determined. Hepatic injury was evaluated by determining the concentrations of serum aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirubin and by liver histologic examination. Sesame oil significantly reduced lipid peroxidation but failed to affect nitrite concentrations in lipopolysaccharide-treated rats. Superoxide anion counts were decreased, and glutathione, but not superoxide dismutase or catalase, was increased in sesame oil-treated groups with lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress. Only sesame oil-treated groups, but not corn oil- or mineral oil-treated groups, showed attenuated hepatic disorder induced by lipopolysaccharide. In addition, sesame oil given 6 hrs after lipopolysaccharide also attenuated lipid peroxidation and hepatic disorder. Furthermore, sesame oil given immediately or 6 hrs after lipopolysaccharide administration significantly reduced morphologic changes induced by lipopolysaccharide. A single dose of sesame oil may attenuate oxidative stress and subsequently relieve hepatic disorder in endotoxemic rats.