Summarizing some numerical values for the eruption of Bezymianny we get the following results: total energy of the eruption — 2.2 × 1025 ergs, explosion energy on March 30th — 4 × 1023 ergs, volume of material ejected by the explosion — about 1.0 km3, its weight 2.4 × 109 t. Volume of agglomerate flow — about 1.8 km3, its weight — 4.3 × 109 t. Initial velocity of the explosion up to 500–600 m/sec. Initial pressure up to 3000 atm. All these figures characterize the eruption of Bezymianny as really gigantic. The Bezymianny eruption, by its force, stands in one row with the eruptions of Krakatau, Katmai and Mt. Pelée. By its character, it is very close to Katami eruption. A comparison of the eruptions of Bezymianny and Katmai permits, it seem to us, to establish some errors in conclusions regarding the formation of the Katmai agglomerate flow and the eruption of Katmai in general. Owing to lack of space and time I am not going to discuss this in detail here; in the near future I hope to make a special report devoted to this subject.