Developmental stages of Cyclospora talpae in the liver and bile duct of the mole (Talpa europaea)

SUMMARY: The completed life-cycle of Cyclospora talpae, an extra-intestinal coccidian (Apicomplexa) of the liver of the mole (Talpa europaea). is reported. Oocysts sporulated within 12–14 days at room temperature (20–22 °C). Both macro- and micro-gametocytes developed independently within the nucleus of epithelial cells lining the bile duct as demonstrated by both light and electron microscopy. Merogony was seen in the mononuclear cells in the capillary sinusoids of the liver. Merozoites showed the typical ultrastructural features of the Apicomplexa. The life-cycle of C. talpae and the ultra-structure of the gametogonic and merogonic stages are reported; the ultrastructure of the merozoites is reported as the first description of this stage for the genus Cyclospora.