Chemical fractionation of pituitary glands from the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana resulted i n the purification of gonadotropic activity and separation of two distinct types of activity. One fraction was highly potent in tests in hypophysec-tomized lizards (Anolis) and in spermiation tests in frogs. A second fraction was potent in ovulation tests with excised anuran ovaries and in 32P uptake by chick testes. There was essentially no overlap in biological activities between the two fractions when tested in Anolis or ovulation assays. These results provide evidence for separate FSH- and LH-like gonadotropins in the anuran pituitary. The behavior of the two types of gonadotropins in fractionation closely resembles the respective hormones from mammalian and reptilian pituitaries. (Endocrinology94: 1587, 1974)