Cardiac surgery is being performed with increasing frequency in octogenarians. The purpose of the present study was to determine the outcome and quality of life of octogenarians after cardiac surgery in a single surgeon series and in a newly established cardiac surgery unit. Prospective data collection and analysis were undertaken of octogenarians having cardiac surgery from 1997 to 2003 by a single surgeon in a single institution. The outcome was compared to septuagenarians operated on by the same surgeon in the same time frame, specifically to see if there were any significant differences in outcomes between these two close age groups. Follow up was conducted by sending a questionnaire, interviewing patients or their general practitioner. There were significantly less octogenarians with airway disease but more with class III and IV New York Heart Association heart failure. There were no significant differences in the incidence of left main disease, urgent operations, renal impairment and cerebrovascular disease between the two groups. There was a trend towards increased operative mortality in octogenarians when the group was taken as a whole (8%vs 2%, P = 0.052). They also had a significantly higher incidence of respiratory failure (6%vs 2%, P = 0.029). The incidence of stroke, renal failure and low cardiac output was not significantly different between the two groups. Blood product usage was significantly higher in octogenarians (19%vs 9%, P = 0.042), but re-operation for bleeding was not significantly different (3%vs 4%). Intensive care unit median length of stay was significantly longer in the case of Octogenarians (1.0 vs 0.9 days, P = 0.039), but the duration of hospital stay was similar (6.5 vs 6.4 days, P = 0.165). Follow up was 94.5% complete, 85% of the octogenarians responded to the questionnaire sent to them. All patients were free of angina, 98% of them had improved by at least one New York Heart Association heart failure class and 86.7% felt that they were less dependent on others after cardiac surgery. In retrospect, 94.2% said that they would have the procedure again. Octogenarians can be operated on with acceptable mortality and morbidity to achieve significant improvement in quality of life. The outcome of surgery in these patients in a new unit is comparable with established units.