Surveys of Transmitted HIV Drug Resistance in 7 Geographic Regions in China, 2008–2009

In 2003, antiretroviral therapy became available free of charge in China’s public health sector. During 2008 and 2009, 10 surveys to classify transmitted human immunodeficiency virus drug resistance (HIVDR) were conducted in 7 regions in 5 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) according to World Health Organization guidance. In 2008, transmitted HIVDR was classified as low (<5%) to nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, and protease inhibitors in 6 surveys performed in 6 regions. In 2009, 3 of 4 surveys showed low rates of transmitted HIVDR to all drug classes, and 1 survey showed moderate (5%–15%) rates of transmitted protease inhibitor resistance. In China, routine surveillance of transmitted HIVDR should continue and be expanded to other regions of the country.