Glucocorticoids increase CD4+CD25highcell percentage and Foxp3 expression in patients with multiple sclerosis

Objectives – To determine whether percentages of CD4+CD25high T cells (a group of regulatory T cells, Treg) differ in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in relapse vs remission after glucocorticoid treatment and whether treatment for relapses changes Treg population and the expression of Foxp3, a key Treg-associated molecule. Materials and methods – Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were obtained from 20 patients with MS during relapse, just before and 2 days after starting steroid treatment (i.v. methylprednisolone 1 g/day for 3 days) and then 6 weeks after treatment. CD4+CD25hi cells were analysed by using flow cytometry. Cytokines were measured by using an ELISA and Foxp3, CD3 and CD25 expression by using quantitative real-time PCR. Results – The percentage of CD4+CD25hi cells, plasma IL-10 and Foxp3/CD3 ratio increased 48 h after methylprednisolone initiation and returned to baseline values by 6 weeks post-treatment. Conclusions – Results suggest that glucocorticoids increase Treg cell functional molecules and percentages. This may be a mechanism whereby steroids expedite recovery from MS relapses.