Dynamical properties of two coupled Hubbard chains at half-filling

Using grand canonical quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations combined with maximum entropy analytic continuation, as well as analytical methods, we examine the one- and two-particle dynamical properties of the Hubbard model on two coupled chains at half-filling. The one-particle spectral weight function, A(k,ω), undergoes a qualitative change with interchain hopping t associated with a transition from a four-band insulator to a two-band insulator. A simple analytical model based on the propagation of exact rung singlet states gives a good description of the features at large t. For smaller t, A(k,ω) is similar to that of the one-dimensional model, with a coherent band of width the effective antiferromagnetic exchange J which is reasonably well described by renormalized spin-wave theory. The coherent band rides on a broad background of width several times the parallel hopping integral t, an incoherent structure similar to that found in calculations on both the one- and two-dimensional models. We also present QMC results for the two-particle spin and charge excitation spectra, and relate their behavior to the rung singlet picture for large t and to the results of spin-wave theory for small t. © 1996 The American Physical Society.