Morphine and ibuprofen compared using the cold pressor test

The analgesic efficacy of single doses of oral morphine sulphate solution (10 mg) and ibuprofen 600 mg was compared in 12 volunteers using a double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled design on the cold pressor experimental pain model. Measurement of pain intensity was made before medication and then at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 180 min; blood samples were taken at these times for measurement of morphine and glucuronide metabolites by radioimmunoassay. Sessions were at least 5 days apart. Correlations were sought between analgesic effect and plasma concentrations of either morphine or morphine-6-glucuronide. Morphine produced significant reduction in both peak pain intensity and area under the pain intensity curve compared with placebo; the threshold time was significantly increased by morphine compared with placebo. Ibuprofen was statistically indistinguishable from placebo on all three measures of analgesia. Analgesic effect and plasma concentrations of morphine showed significant correlation (P = 0.053). The study confirmed reports of the opiate sensitivity of the cold pressor model, and the apparent insensitivity of the model to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.