Congenital toxoplasmosis among premature infants with different clinical pictures in Saudi Arabia.

  • 1 December 1994
    • journal article
    • Vol. 24 (3), 643-8
No doubt, toxoplasmosis is a prevalent infection in all the Arab countries. However, the incidence differs from one country to another and even within the same country. Congenital toxoplasmosis is the most important form of the infection. In the present study, some 78 premature infants with different clinical pictures were examined for Toxoplasma IgG (by IHAT and ELISA) and Toxoplasma IgM (by ELISA). The results showed Toxoplasma IgG ranging between 32.1% (IHAT) and 46.2% (ELISA) while IgM (ELISA) was 23.1%. The highest positivity rate was among those suffering jaundice and the lowest was among those suffering fever of unknown origin. Protection of women particularly pregnant ones, from Toxoplasma infection is a must.