Molecular dynamics study of orientational cooperativity in water

Recent experiments on liquid water show collective dipole orientation fluctuations dramatically slower than expected (with relaxation time >50ns) [D.P. Shelton, Phys. Rev. B 72, 020201(R) (2005)]. Molecular dynamics simulations of extended simple point charge (SPC/E) water show a large vortexlike structure of the dipole field at ambient conditions surviving over 300ps [J. Higo et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 98, 5961 (2001)]. Both results disagree with previous results on water dipoles in similar conditions, for which autocorrelation times are a few picoseconds. Motivated by these recent results, we study the water dipole reorientation using molecular dynamics simulations of the SPC/E model in bulk water for temperatures ranging from ambient 300K down to the deep supercooled region of the phase diagram at 210K. First, we calculate the dipole autocorrelation function and find that our simulations are well described by a stretched exponential decay, from which we calculate the orientational autocorrelation time τa. Second, we define a second characteristic time, namely, the time required for the randomization of molecular dipole orientation, the self-dipole randomization time τr, which is an upper limit on τa; we find that τr5τa. Third, to check if there are correlated domains of dipoles in water which have large relaxation times compared to the individual dipoles, we calculate the randomization time τbox of the site-dipole field, the net dipole moment formed by a set of molecules belonging to a box of edge Lbox. We find that the site-dipole randomization time τbox2.5τa for Lbox3Å, i.e., it is shorter than the same quantity calculated for the self-dipole. Finally, we find that the orientational correlation length is short even at low T.