Sentinel Lymph Node Radiolocalization in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma

To determine the feasibility of sentinel node radiolocalization in stage N0 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and to gain insight as to whether the sentinel node could be prognostic of regional micrometastatic disease. A prospective report on the application sentinel node radiolocalization in eight patients with N0 squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region. For each patient a peritumoral submucosal injection of filtered technetium (99mTc) prepared with sulfur colloid was performed immediately following intubation. After at least 30 minutes, focal areas of accumulation corresponding to a sentinel node were marked on the skin surface. Complete neck dissections were performed, and the sentinel nodes were identified for later histological evaluation and comparison to the remaining lymphadenectomy specimen. Sentinel node radiolocalization accurately identified two or more sentinel lymph nodes in all eight cases. In one patient, two of the three lymph nodes containing micrometastatic disease were sentinel lymph nodes. There was no instance in which sentinel node was negative for micrometastatic disease while being positive in a nonsentinel lymph node. Accurate localization of the sentinel lymph node using radiolabeled sulfur-colloid is feasible in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck region. Although sentinel node radiolocalization in head and neck squamous cell cancer may potentially reduce the time, cost, and morbidity of regional lymph node management, more experience with technique is required before its role can be determined.