Intracellular calcium oscillations in a T‐cell line after exposure to extremely‐low‐frequency magnetic fields with variable frequencies and flux densities

Low-frequency magnetic fields (MF) can increase the cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in lymphocytes in the same manner as a physiological stimulus such as antibodies directed towards the CD3 complex. In this study, MF with various frequencies and flux densities were used, while [Ca2+]i changes were recorded using microfluorometry with fura-2 as a probe. The applied sinusoidal MF induced oscillatory changes of [Ca2+], in the leukemic cell line Jurkat in a manner similar to that seen with stimulation by antibodies. The response at 0.15 mT was over a frequency range from 5 to 100 Hz, with a fairly broad peak having its maximum at 50 Hz. The result of testing increasing flux densities at 50 Hz was a threshold response with no effect below 0.04 mT and a plateau at 0.15 mT. On the basis of the characteristic calcium pattern resulting from an applied MF, we suggest that MF influence molecular events in regular signal transduction pathways of T cells.