The measurement of classroom management self‐efficacy: a review of measurement instrument development and influences

Teachers' self‐efficacy (SE) in their classroom management capabilities is thought to be an important factor in teachers' overall judgements of their teaching SE. Low SE in classroom management has been linked to teacher attrition and burnout, and reduced student learning outcomes. This article provides the first comprehensive review of classroom management as a factor in the construct of teacher SE. Twenty‐five peer‐reviewed articles published from 1984 to 2009 that reported on the use of SE scales containing at least one novel classroom management self‐efficacy (CMSE) item were reviewed. The validity and reliability of CMSE scales and items were found to be very good, with classroom management items pertaining to maintaining order and control the most frequent category included. Approximately one in four items in the SE scales reviewed was CMSE item, and, in general, CMSE items were not linked explicitly to classroom management research or contemporary psychological or philosophical approaches.

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