Hybrid Three Dimensional (1D‐Hadamard, 2D‐Chemical Shift Imaging) Phosphorus Localized Spectroscopy of Phantom and Human Brain

A hybrid of two localized spectroscopy techniques, chemical shift imaging (CSI) and Hadamard spectroscopic imaging (HSI), is used to obtain an array of 16 x 16 x 4 (3 x3 x 3 cm3 voxels) proton-decoupled phosphorus (31P) spectra of human brain. For equal spatial resolution, this organ's oblate shape requires fewer axial than coronal or sagittal slices. These different spatial requirements are well suited to 1D, 4th order, transverse HSI in the axial direction, combined with 2D 16 x 16 CSI in the other two orientations. The reduced localization matrix (16 x 16 x 4 over just the brain versus a cubic-16 x 16 x 16 matrix of equal resolution, over the entire head) may proportionally shorten data acquisition if the voxel size is not signal-to-noise limited. In addition, the use of Hadamard encoding can improve the intervoxel spectral isolation.

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